30 август 2010

Unseen Academicals

Някъде мярнах едно мнение за книгата, което напълно съвпада с моето. Беше нещо от рода на: типична книга от поредицата "Светът на диска". Много добра, макар и не най-добрата на Тери Пратчет. Само мога да добавя, че четенето й си беше истинско удоволствие;-)

Ето и малко цитати за любопитните:

- He was a pile of dust Archchancellor!
- That’s not the same as being ill, exactly, said Ridcully, who believed in never giving in.
- I declare this meet- this overly extended snack… over.
- We are, fellow wizards, the city’s last line of defence against all the horrors that can be thrown against it. However, none of them are as potentially dangerous as us. Yes, indeed. I don’t know what might happen if wizards were really hungry. So do this, I implore you on this occasion, for the sake of the cheeseboard.
‘We all know the problem of underarm defoliation. It is so hard, isn’t it, to keep this lichens healthy… But,’ she flourished green and blue container with a golden stopper, ‘one spray of Verdant Spring will keep those crevices moist and forest fresh all day long…’
- How can a man live without pasta? This is barbaric!
'I believe he collects different types of stationery,' said Vetinari. 'I have sometimes speculated that he might change his life for the better should he meet a young lady willing to dress up as a manila envelope.'
- The thing about football - the important thing about football - is that it is not just about football!
- You're saying that football is not about football?
- It's the sharing, she said. It's being part of the crowd. It's chanting together. It's all of it. The whole thing.

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